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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

Hi there! This is my old blog, I don't hang around here much.
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2014 Review

As last year falls away and a new year rolls in, I’d like to share with you a glance back at 2014. This will be my last post on this blog, as it moves over to Landmarks, Happenings of Note 2014 Writing this list, I can hardly believe that all this happened in the past […]

Also posted in Business, Life, Looking Back, Projects, Publishing, Software, Travel, WoodyLabs Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Checklist Plugin for WordPress

It’s a new year and with a new year comes lots of new developments 🙂 I’ve launched my fiction page (first novel to be released in may) and I’ve written a few new plugins (as well as a software as a service for freelancers – coming soon!) This is a quick post about the first […]

Also posted in Projects, Web Development, Web Technology Tagged , , , , , , ,

2013 Annual Review

2013 was a turbulent year for me, but a great one. Tons of experiments, growth and realisations. Building upon the habit started last year with my 2012 review I’ll share some highlights of my close-of-year self analysis below. My review of 2013 turned into a mammoth document again, I’d been saving up thoughts and lists and […]

Also posted in Business, Javascript, Life, Looking Back, Music, Projects, Publishing, Software, Technology, Travel, Web Technology, Writing Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Social Gallery Acquired by Epic

I’d like to announce that Social Gallery – the Ultimate Social Lightbox plugin for WordPress has been acquired by Epic (announcement here.) It’s been fantastic to build Social Gallery up as a product and a useful tool, having sold over 1500 copies and many, many add-ons it’s been very well received and helping it grow […]

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Free “Lite” Version of Social Gallery released!

Just a quick post to say that yesterday evening I released the free version of Social Gallery. As Social Gallery has been so popular (now over 700 copies sold on CodeCanyon) it seemed only fair to share some of the awesome out to the family (and to the non-profit’s and such that asked me […]

Also posted in Projects, Software, Web Development, Web Technology Tagged , , , , ,

2012 Annual Review: Looking Back

2012 was the first properly organised year of my life, and in this spirit I found my self seeking closure throughout December, a sub-concious bubbling feeling which lead me to write the first ever self-review of a year. I’m surprised I didn’t formalise this sooner, but better late than never! Owing to the fact that I just wanted to […]

Also posted in Life, Looking Back, Projects, Social Media, Software, Technology, Travel, Web Development, Web Technology, Writing Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Social Gallery Plugin Sells 200 Copies!

A small landmark though it might be amongst plugin sellers, it’s nice to celebrate the little wins. Social Gallery sold it’s 200th copy last night, just over 2 months after it’s initial release, and that’s just through awesome customers sharing and word of mouth! If you have live amongst the majority of bloggers and use […]

Also posted in Projects, Web Development Tagged , , , ,

Facebook-Style Photo Viewer WordPress Plugin

It’s been a hectic few months, many successful client projects, many successfuly additions to ChooseFest and StormGate and I haven’t let myself schedule any writing time. This hiatus has been intentional and it’s non lexical productivity has been a positive necessity. Short of writing a list of festival essentials the only thing I have written […]

Also posted in Javascript, PHP, Web Development, Web Technology Tagged , , , , ,
The New Blog
A Quote..
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow"
Albert Einstein
Old Random Projects
    © Woody Hayday 2008-2024