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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

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Monthly Archives April 2010

Bangkok to Bangkok to Chiang Mai to Pai

I stayed a good few days in Bangkok. I went to MBK and brought the exact same model of camera I had lost on the beach in Phi Phi, I attempted to visit the princes residence with JM and SH but thanks to yet another clueless tuktuk pilot we ended up at an exhibition for […]

Posted in Travel

Krabi to Surat Thani to Koh Phangan to Bangkok

Slow to update, perhaps but here is the next leg of my Thailand trip! From our overnight stop in Krabi we got a 3 hour coach across the country to Surat Thani then pretty much jumped strait on the ferry to Koh Phangan. Sitting on the exact front end of the ferry seemed like a […]

Posted in Travel

Railay to Koh Lanta to Koh Phi Phi to Krabi

From Railay I got the long boat to the ferry which took us to Koh Lanta which is a nice semi island (connected to land if sea was a little lower) that is I think relatively newly touristy. Staying half way down the island offered relative peace, some relaxed but comfortable beach bars and a […]

Posted in Travel
The New Blog
A Quote..
"I am not unfamiliar with horror, my memory is a faithful wife and my imagination, unlike myself, a diligent maid who sits quietly all day at her work and in the evening can speak so prettily for me that I just have to look at it even if.."
Søren Kierkegaard writing as Johannes de silentio
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