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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

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Hackers wrecking your shared host account? Check your Website Portfolio Integrity

10 days of perpetual issues with hackers. 10 DAYS. 100+ sites bombed randomly between every 5 minutes and 5 hours and that’s only after proper detection, who knows how far it had gone before. But from the relentless irritation some positives developed, if you are in the (precarious) position of hosting LOTS of websites on […]

Also posted in C#, Ideas, PHP, Projects, Search Engine Optimisation, Software, Technology, Web Development, Web Technology, Wordpress

ASP/PHP Network Share browsing between Servers on IIS

Its always the simple things that take longer than expected, if you are trying to access a network share, say \\server1\netshare$ from some code on your webserver (say \\server2) – you would think this would be simple? If your on IIS you would be wrong, kind of. I think if you are on Apache this […]

Also posted in PHP, Web Development

Developers Arsenal PHP to ASP Jump

Server Side Scripting is a wonderful term. It’s what takes the control off of the browser and solely in the hands of the developer, because ultimately the developer is the one with the coding capacity. Since I first messed about with php for my own entertainment I have always revelled in using it, perhaps it […]

Also posted in C#, CSS, Javascript, PHP
The New Blog
A Quote..
"The question is not who is going to let me, its who is going to stop me"
Ayn Rand
Old Random Projects
    © Woody Hayday 2008-2025