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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

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Ebay Partner Network Changes RSS Urls (again)

If you are part of the wave of Ebay Partner Network (EPN) affiliates that stuck up middle-man eshops fed by their RSS feeds you may have missed this. In the 5 years or so I have been an ebay affiliate they have only done this a few times, but for the hundreds of custom scripts […]

Also posted in Affiliate Marketing, Code, Javascript Tagged ,

Hackers wrecking your shared host account? Check your Website Portfolio Integrity

10 days of perpetual issues with hackers. 10 DAYS. 100+ sites bombed randomly between every 5 minutes and 5 hours and that’s only after proper detection, who knows how far it had gone before. But from the relentless irritation some positives developed, if you are in the (precarious) position of hosting LOTS of websites on […]

Also posted in ASP.Net, Ideas, PHP, Projects, Search Engine Optimisation, Software, Technology, Web Development, Web Technology, Wordpress

ODesk and outsourcing

Back to it again, the portfolio needs a bit of a push so I am adding a few new sites into the mix this time in niche’s discovered with a new formula pulling from several new data sets. Ah the wonders of purchasable and scrapeable data online / via api – the formula was refined […]

Also posted in Business, Projects, Web Development

Forget Inertia – A new era.

There is by far enough written words about the freedom and positives of leaving ones established job, for better or for worse I think it is the right way forward for me, now. I have had a long list of things to post about, technology thoughts and projects completed; now thankfully I have the control […]

Also posted in Business, Ideas, Looking Back, Looking Forward, Music, PHP, Projects, SQL Server, Technology, Web Development, Web Technology, WoodyLabs Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Arbitrage Betting – Programmatically finding arbitrage bets

Betting arbitrage, miraclebets, surebets, sports arbitraging is a particular case of arbitrage arising on betting markets due to either bookmakers’ different opinions on event outcomes or plain errors. By placing one bet per each outcome with different betting companies, the bettor can make a profit. As long as different Bookmakers are used for arbitrage betting […]

Also posted in Business, Uncategorized

Unpublished May and June 2010

Hey blog, it’s been a while eh? Hows things? May was a month of brick lane curries, a new art exhibition (silent city), mini golf and a bunch of other blurry stuff. June was a good month (on the whole apart from hackers and google caffeine?!?), did incalculable amounts of coding, new site rollouts, tennis, […]

Also posted in Affiliate Marketing, Business, Business Intelligence, Ideas, Looking Back, Looking Forward, Music, Search Engine Optimisation, Web Development, Web Technology, WoodyLabs

Developers Arsenal PHP to ASP Jump

Server Side Scripting is a wonderful term. It’s what takes the control off of the browser and solely in the hands of the developer, because ultimately the developer is the one with the coding capacity. Since I first messed about with php for my own entertainment I have always revelled in using it, perhaps it […]

Also posted in ASP.Net, CSS, Javascript, PHP
The New Blog
A Quote..
"Give me the fruitful error any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. You can keep your sterile truth for yourself."
Vilfredo Pareto
Old Random Projects
    © Woody Hayday 2008-2024