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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

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Affiliate Marketing

Remove unwanted eBay strings from A2P [Auction2post] posts with Automated Editor

Free rules file with this post! Do you use Auction2Post [A2P]? If you don’t its a wordpress plugin which automatically implants listings from ebay as wordpress posts, including affiliate links through the ebay partner network from which you earn a commission. Its quite useful. Read my post about it here. Anyhow if you don’t use the […]

Also posted in PHP, Projects, Search Engine Optimisation, Snippets, Software, Web Development, Wordpress Tagged ,

Automated Editor Released!

A nice small chunk of a project, Automated Editor is a wordpress plugin which allows you to automate some of the post editing process. Written to be lightweight and flexible it can do a lot with a little input. The plugin replaces a previous script/small app I had previously commissioned to offer automatic string replacement/removal […]

Also posted in Business, PHP, Projects, Social Media, Web Development, Web Technology, Wordpress Tagged ,

Ebay Partner Network Changes RSS Urls (again)

If you are part of the wave of Ebay Partner Network (EPN) affiliates that stuck up middle-man eshops fed by their RSS feeds you may have missed this. In the 5 years or so I have been an ebay affiliate they have only done this a few times, but for the hundreds of custom scripts […]

Also posted in C#, Code, Javascript Tagged ,

Unpublished May and June 2010

Hey blog, it’s been a while eh? Hows things? May was a month of brick lane curries, a new art exhibition (silent city), mini golf and a bunch of other blurry stuff. June was a good month (on the whole apart from hackers and google caffeine?!?), did incalculable amounts of coding, new site rollouts, tennis, […]

Also posted in Business, Business Intelligence, C#, Ideas, Looking Back, Looking Forward, Music, Search Engine Optimisation, Web Development, Web Technology, WoodyLabs

Ebay Partner Network Experiments – Splitting Campaigns for EPC?

Back to it I thought I would write a quick post about something which seems to be helping my ebay partner network revenues – that is campaign splitting. I am totally unsure of how ebay partner network campaign splitting will work for you – I am only just starting to test it my self – […]

Also posted in Web Development Tagged

Javascript in Spreadsheets? – Google Apps Script Does that

Far from being a google promoter, I do like this. Google Apps Script opens up google spreadsheets to scripting – Just like Macro’s etc in Excel, but with Javascript. This effectively opens up a world of online data processing and analysis that would have not been easily possible within a browser before hand, especially suiting […]

Also posted in Javascript, Search Engine Optimisation, Technology, Web Development, Web Technology

Multiple WordPress blogs from 1 instance / 1 wordpress folder to maintain

WordPress is a victim of its own success, but its no victim. It is huge. Millions upon millions of people use wordpress to power their blogs (like this one for example) to make money and to have their voice present on the internet. It has become a first stop for a huge host of people […]

Also posted in PHP, Transactional SQL, Web Development, Web Technology, Wordpress

Ebay Partner Network Xmas Bonus? – EPN Look after their affiliates

Those of you that make good money out of eBay probably noticed the downtime last month. For me it had an affect on my epn earnings for around 5 days. The problem (in my case at least) seemed to be with RSS feeds called from php (curl.) But it could simply have been a server […]

Also posted in PHP, Web Development Tagged
The New Blog
A Quote..
"Advance, and never halt, for advancing is perfection. Advance and do not fear the thorns in the path, for they draw only corrupt blood."
Khalil Gibran
Old Random Projects
    © Woody Hayday 2008-2024