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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

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Monthly Archives April 2009

Developers Arsenal PHP to ASP Jump

Server Side Scripting is a wonderful term. It’s what takes the control off of the browser and solely in the hands of the developer, because ultimately the developer is the one with the coding capacity. Since I first messed about with php for my own entertainment I have always revelled in using it, perhaps it […]

Posted in ASP.Net, C#, CSS, Javascript, PHP

SQL Server Reporting Services

SQL Server Reporting Services – Microsoft Reporting Services – Microsoft Visual Basic Reports – Microsoft Visual Studio Reports Whatever name you want to give them there is a great capacity in cutting edge Microsoft developer’s tools. You have to give it to them; they do continue to roll out tool after tool aimed solely at […]

Posted in SQL Server, SSRS

Dual Screen Web Development

I’ve had dual monitors for about 8 months now and I have to say its well worth the money. At the office I also have tri screen Dell’s although these arent as big as my dual 22’s which I would say is pretty perfect for me. They offer more space than a 30inch apple screen […]

Posted in Technology, Web Development

Looking Back – Major Project 07

Wheels Near U My first major bespoke project written primarily in PHP although ultimately encompassing javascript, css, html, java applets, flash and some server based command line utilities. Wheels-Near-U was developed as an All-in hyper-localised motoring-web portal. Written completly autonomously within roughly 12 months with several large project revisions. It came together quite nicely considering […]

Posted in Business, Looking Back

Cannot Create Windows Service for MySQL. Error:0

If you have MySQL installed (from XAMPP or otherwise) on an xp box (this ones x64) and you update to SP2 it seems to break the mysql service – at least it did for me.  This has happened several times to me but is actually easily resolved. Firstly I tried re-installing mySQL but this brought […]

Posted in Uncategorized
The New Blog
A Quote..
"I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires."
Khalil Gibran
Old Random Projects
    © Woody Hayday 2008-2024