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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

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Hotmail and Character Sets: Make Sure Your Emails Get There

It’s been a hectic few months – the web development consultancy is going well with several new web app prototypes/platforms released in the last few months, a new plugin (Social Gallery for WordPress) is being well received (and even imitated already!) and amongst all that ChooseFest has had some interesting developments. Also I am now […]

Also posted in PHP Tagged , , , , ,

1and1 Web Hosting & Git – Installing it for singular dev

I have a new project in the works and I thought it about time to get a verioning setup working beyond locally, I don’t want to use a PaaS (like Cloud control) though for this one as its Top Secret (for now.) Yeah Yeah I know, shared web hosting, 1and1 – not so secret eh? […]

Also posted in Code, Projects, Web Development, Web Technology Tagged , , ,

IP to Location Alternative: Javascript – Using JS to find Browser Country / Location not from IP

Know your audience? Got google analytics aggregating their details? Great, good for you! But doe’s that add any value in the short term? Improve THEIR browsing experience? In the long run you should use analytics to achieve better sites (although many don’t) – but for now, right here you can still add some of the […]

Also posted in Javascript, Web Development Tagged , , , , , ,

MySQL datetime examples – first/last day of the year – dates and unix-times

For some reason I had an abstract memory of SQL SERVER 2000, timestamps and pain. Who knows why. Perhaps its a faulty memory. lol. Anyhow working with timestamps in MySQL/MSSQL these days is nothing short of simple. With MySQL Workbench free its ridiculous how far the barrier of entry for database design has come, its […]

Also posted in SQL Server, Transactional SQL, Web Development, Web Technology Tagged , , , , , , , ,

Maintain a CSV with Javascript – keep a hidden list

The situation: Want to build a comma separated list of int’s (or whatever) client-side, in javascript, remove/add items on the fly using JS. Well these tiny functions below are what I use, useful when you just need to get a clever form / app input done. Using the below you can add/remove items to an […]

Also posted in Javascript, Web Development Tagged , , ,

Unable to drop JQuery sortable onto empty list? Hack solution

The problem: You have a multi column (or area) JQuery UI Sortable (these are neat) which only needs to show a “drop zone” when the user has started to drag a sortable object. The JQuery documentation for this doesn’t account for the reality of the above, its all very well if you want the empty […]

Also posted in Javascript, Web Development Tagged ,

Remove unwanted eBay strings from A2P [Auction2post] posts with Automated Editor

Free rules file with this post! Do you use Auction2Post [A2P]? If you don’t its a wordpress plugin which automatically implants listings from ebay as wordpress posts, including affiliate links through the ebay partner network from which you earn a commission. Its quite useful. Read my post about it here. Anyhow if you don’t use the […]

Also posted in Affiliate Marketing, PHP, Projects, Search Engine Optimisation, Software, Web Development, Wordpress Tagged ,

Facebook Like button not working or showing 0 likes

Got a facebook like button not working showing zero? Do you wan’t to add a facebook like button to your page that points to a facebook page (fanpage) rather than the page the likebutton is actually on? It is possible but you may have come across this facebook bug that I did. Scenario’s are either: […]

Also posted in Facebook Pages, Social Media, Web Development Tagged ,
The New Blog
A Quote..
"Where is the justice of political power if it executes the murderer and jails the plunderer, and then itself marches upon neighboring lands, killing thousands and pillaging the very hills"
Khalil Gibran
Old Random Projects
    © Woody Hayday 2008-2024