The situation: Want to build a comma separated list of int’s (or whatever) client-side, in javascript, remove/add items on the fly using JS. Well these tiny functions below are what I use, useful when you just need to get a clever form / app input done.
Using the below you can add/remove items to an input which acts as a csv holder, should be self explanatory, get and set are just shorteners.
function get(a){ //small get if (typeof a != "undefined") { return document.getElementById(a).value; } else { return ''; } } function set(i,v){ //small set document.getElementById(i).value = v; } function append(i,v){ //small append set(i,get(i) + v); } function appendTocsv(i,v){ //small append csv if (get(i).length == 0){ set(i,v); } else { append(i,', ' + v); } } function incsv(id,v){ //check a csv (in element with id) for a value (v) var csv = get(id); var csvArray = csv.split(', '); var found = false; if (csvArray.length > 0){ for (i = 0; i <= csvArray.length; i++){ if (csvArray[i] == v){ found = true; } } } return found; } function removeFromcsv(id,v){ //removes a val from csv var csv = get(id); var csvArray = csv.split(', '); var removed = false; var endString = ""; if (csvArray.length > 0){ for (i = 0; i <= csvArray.length-1; i++){ if (csvArray[i] == v){ removed = true; } else { if (endString.length > 0){ endString += ', '; } endString += csvArray[i]; } } } set(id,endString); return removed; }
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[…] This rar includes my csv quick maintaining functions which are required. This entry was posted in Javascript, Web Technology and tagged autosuggest, […]
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