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Maintain a CSV with Javascript – keep a hidden list

The situation: Want to build a comma separated list of int’s (or whatever) client-side, in javascript, remove/add items on the fly using JS. Well these tiny functions below are what I use, useful when you just need to get a clever form / app input done.

Using the below you can add/remove items to an input which acts as a csv holder, should be self explanatory, get and set are just shorteners.

function get(a){ //small get
	if (typeof a != "undefined") {
		return document.getElementById(a).value;
	} else { 
		return '';

function set(i,v){ //small set
	document.getElementById(i).value = v;	

function append(i,v){ //small append
	set(i,get(i) + v);		

function appendTocsv(i,v){ //small append csv
	if (get(i).length == 0){
	} else { 
		append(i,', ' + v);

function incsv(id,v){ //check a csv (in element with id) for a value (v)
	var csv = get(id);
	var csvArray = csv.split(', ');
	var found = false;
	if (csvArray.length > 0){
		for (i = 0; i <= csvArray.length; i++){
			if (csvArray[i] == v){ found = true;  }
	return found;

function removeFromcsv(id,v){ //removes a val from csv
	var csv = get(id);
	var csvArray = csv.split(', ');
	var removed = false;
	var endString = "";
	if (csvArray.length > 0){
		for (i = 0; i <= csvArray.length-1; i++){
			if (csvArray[i] == v){ removed = true;  } else { 
				if (endString.length > 0){ endString += ', '; } 
				endString += csvArray[i]; 
	return removed;
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  1. […] This rar includes my csv quick maintaining functions which are required. This entry was posted in Javascript, Web Technology and tagged autosuggest, […]

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"Where is the justice of political power if it executes the murderer and jails the plunderer, and then itself marches upon neighboring lands, killing thousands and pillaging the very hills"
Khalil Gibran
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