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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

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Monthly Archives October 2009

ASP/PHP Network Share browsing between Servers on IIS

Its always the simple things that take longer than expected, if you are trying to access a network share, say \\server1\netshare$ from some code on your webserver (say \\server2) – you would think this would be simple? If your on IIS you would be wrong, kind of. I think if you are on Apache this […]

Posted in ASP.Net, PHP, Web Development

WikiMedia Spam – Lock Media Wiki Permissions down

Using Media Wiki (wikiMedia) somewhere online to manage content? chance’s are you’ve had unwelcome guests spamming you to high heavens. By default permissions on wiki media are, well wiki-level, they provide access to everyone – that’s the point of wiki right? But if you want a private wiki (Media Wiki suggests itself that its not […]

Posted in Web Development, Wiki Media

ionCube on 1and1 shared hosting

…I needed to use ionCube for Auction 2 Post but it takes an odd combination of files to get it working so heres how to get ionCube loaders to work on 1 and 1 shared hosting (spoon fed): 1. Use getcwd to find the working directory (make a new .php file with two lines “echo […]

Posted in PHP, Web Development Tagged ,

Auction 2 Post

The reason I am writing about this WordPress plugin is long winded, but essentially a while back I wrote a website which featured a hand picked 3 best auctions in certain categories from ebay and posted them to a custom themed WordPress blog, the idea being that people could see the 3 most expensive cars […]

Posted in Affiliate Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Web Development, Wordpress Tagged ,

iPhone HomeScreen’s, Spotify, Evernote and the iphone

Thought I would randomly dump a few iphone screenshots I have just found on my 3gs (too many people have iphones – I am not one of these fanboys :/) – If you didn’t know you can take a screenshot at any point with an iphone by pressing the home key and the lock key […]

Posted in Ideas, Music, Technology, WoodyLabs

TED Talks – Architecture

For some reason architectural design has really got me recently…specifically Bjarke Ingels – He’s someone I would like to work with should I ever give up this code for CAD!

Posted in Ideas

Entourage – Good downtime

Recently got a bit ill….Time to catch up on some Entourage!! – Good program – here’s a good example clip.

Posted in WoodyLabs
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A Quote..
"Give me the fruitful error any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. You can keep your sterile truth for yourself."
Vilfredo Pareto
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