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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

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Woodys posts on Auction2Post

Remove unwanted eBay strings from A2P [Auction2post] posts with Automated Editor

Free rules file with this post! Do you use Auction2Post [A2P]? If you don’t its a wordpress plugin which automatically implants listings from ebay as wordpress posts, including affiliate links through the ebay partner network from which you earn a commission. Its quite useful. Read my post about it here. Anyhow if you don’t use the […]

Posted in Affiliate Marketing, PHP, Projects, Search Engine Optimisation, Snippets, Software, Web Development, Wordpress Also tagged

Ebay Partner Network Changes RSS Urls (again)

If you are part of the wave of Ebay Partner Network (EPN) affiliates that stuck up middle-man eshops fed by their RSS feeds you may have missed this. In the 5 years or so I have been an ebay affiliate they have only done this a few times, but for the hundreds of custom scripts […]

Posted in Affiliate Marketing, C#, Code, Javascript Also tagged

Auction 2 Post Recap

Its been a while since I posted my review of Auction 2 Post and I thought I would do a post with my results so far etc. Broadly speaking a2p has been a fairly successful venture, between 5-10 sites, all of which more than pay their way have brought more than 100% ROI on the […]

Posted in Affiliate Marketing, Web Development Tagged

ionCube on 1and1 shared hosting

…I needed to use ionCube for Auction 2 Post but it takes an odd combination of files to get it working so heres how to get ionCube loaders to work on 1 and 1 shared hosting (spoon fed): 1. Use getcwd to find the working directory (make a new .php file with two lines “echo […]

Posted in PHP, Web Development Also tagged

Auction 2 Post

The reason I am writing about this WordPress plugin is long winded, but essentially a while back I wrote a website which featured a hand picked 3 best auctions in certain categories from ebay and posted them to a custom themed WordPress blog, the idea being that people could see the 3 most expensive cars […]

Posted in Affiliate Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Web Development, Wordpress Also tagged
The New Blog
A Quote..
"Where is the justice of political power if it executes the murderer and jails the plunderer, and then itself marches upon neighboring lands, killing thousands and pillaging the very hills"
Khalil Gibran
Old Random Projects
    © Woody Hayday 2008-2024