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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

Hi there! This is my old blog, I don't hang around here much.
You can now find me trying to mix things up here:
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2014 Review

As last year falls away and a new year rolls in, I’d like to share with you a glance back at 2014. This will be my last post on this blog, as it moves over to Landmarks, Happenings of Note 2014 Writing this list, I can hardly believe that all this happened in the past […]

Also posted in Business, Life, Looking Back, Projects, Publishing, Software, Travel, Wordpress Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

New blog design for a new year

Its a few weeks into 2011 and a redesign and new plan is in order. I took inspiration from a few fantastic blogs for this theme and make no claims at anything other than trying a fresher look! I intend 2011 to be a much more blog-rich year, I am already brainstorming some posts for […]

Also posted in Looking Forward, Travel

Forget Inertia – A new era.

There is by far enough written words about the freedom and positives of leaving ones established job, for better or for worse I think it is the right way forward for me, now. I have had a long list of things to post about, technology thoughts and projects completed; now thankfully I have the control […]

Also posted in Business, C#, Ideas, Looking Back, Looking Forward, Music, PHP, Projects, SQL Server, Technology, Web Development, Web Technology Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Reddit Wallpaper Grabber V0.1

As I said last post if I couldn’t find a reddit wallpaper downloading program I would make one. Well I found upboat (which is good) but with windows 7 (or display fusion) offering cycling desktop backgrounds every x minutes I thought I might write a more brute force downloader. So I did. Reddit Wallpaper Grabber […]

Also posted in Projects, Social Media, Software

Unpublished May and June 2010

Hey blog, it’s been a while eh? Hows things? May was a month of brick lane curries, a new art exhibition (silent city), mini golf and a bunch of other blurry stuff. June was a good month (on the whole apart from hackers and google caffeine?!?), did incalculable amounts of coding, new site rollouts, tennis, […]

Also posted in Affiliate Marketing, Business, Business Intelligence, C#, Ideas, Looking Back, Looking Forward, Music, Search Engine Optimisation, Web Development, Web Technology

BRB Thailand

I am probably just getting on flight BA7312 out of heathrow, bound for sunny Thailand, most of my email addresses are now on replycannons, if you want to get hold of me I will be periodically updating this blog (so will see comments) and might check my facebook occasionally. Let’s see what south east Asia […]

Also posted in Travel

Hayday Construction on Google StreetView

Well done Tom spotting this – My dad working hard and the Hayday Construction & Roofing on google streetview! Unrelated to the pliers on streetview post

Posted in WoodyLabs

The Pliers are coming!

Someone sent me this random streetview find – Pliers revenge!

Posted in WoodyLabs
The New Blog
A Quote..
"There are certain things that are fundamental to human fulfillment. The essence of these needs is captured in the phrase "to live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy." The need to leave a legacy is our spiritual need to have a sense of meaning, purpose, personal congruence, and contribution"
Stephen Covey
Old Random Projects
    © Woody Hayday 2008-2024