Its a few weeks into 2011 and a redesign and new plan is in order. I took inspiration from a few fantastic blogs for this theme and make no claims at anything other than trying a fresher look!
I intend 2011 to be a much more blog-rich year, I am already brainstorming some posts for February that will go live perhaps from the Ukraine, should my travel plans come together. The whole blog will be taking a new slant as I move on to new projects; I will likely be blogging a lot more about writing (as I finish this novel), travel, self-employment and entrepreneurship (as I now maintain my own sole/soul living.) This does mean a move away from code specifics, but no doubt with the way my businesses are online based there will still be a good helping of web development and technology posts.
It looks as if the majority of my 2011 shall be in London, with perhaps a few escapes to the Ukraine, Spain and elsewhere. Hopefully this less nomadic period will allow me to secure a larger business, finish this book and get fitter.
Wow..i like the new blog site and your style of living….the freeman
Cheers Andrew, and free is the best way to be 😀
Comments Archive
Hi there. This is my old blog and it's archived, so you can no longer post new comments on this post (New blog design for a new year).
Read my new blog about writing software and stories at