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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

Hi there! This is my old blog, I don't hang around here much.
You can now find me trying to mix things up here:
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Monthly Archives August 2008

Music Artists in my Library Aug 2008

I have a lot of music, as I am sure a lot of people do, I thought out of long term interest I would post a list of current artists in my library – quickly sifted through!

Posted in Music Tagged


I studied Photography at A level and have pretty much left it as a dormant hobby since then, however I have started adding some of my previous photographs to flickr and also to I will put a little more effort into some sort of gallery layout etc. some time in the near future!

Posted in WoodyLabs


Rather than selfishly hord the good websites I come accross I thought I would share them with you – at any point you can check out the cream of my Bookmarks at Subscribe to the bookmark feed for some interesting weekly link drops.

Posted in WoodyLabs

Browse Internet from in Steam Game’s

A lot of people (recently surpassing 13million) use Steam, it started out being a system for use with counterstrike and the half life’s (at least for me) but is now a huge multi-game shop and digital download system – with Steam you can download a huge amount of different genre and style games just by […]

Posted in Games


A new blog on a new address, I have had a lot of blogs over the years but this one has my name attached so welcome! I will no doubt cover a huge bunch of topics in the coming years, speradically posting about whatever happens in my life!

Posted in WoodyLabs Tagged
The New Blog
A Quote..
"The question is not who is going to let me, its who is going to stop me"
Ayn Rand
Old Random Projects
    © Woody Hayday 2008-2024