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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

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Monthly Archives May 2009

I think I am INTP

Happened across the “16 personality types” – Usually don’t drop time on this stuff but this one hit home. I think I am INTP – But I think I might fluctuate more towards a leader/extrovert version. What personality type suits you?

Posted in Uncategorized

TED Talks that inspire – My Pick

My most recent favourite on is this talk by behavioral economist Dan Ariely, is a funny one. Alex Tabarrok on how “ideas trump crisis” Adam Savage’s Talk on his obsessions in life All worth a watch, if you get a spare chance check out,  you can see my profile where I will try […]

Posted in Ideas, Technology

xp_fileexist Network Drive – T SQL Based File checking

If you didn’t already know you can check whether files exist, find file sizes and all sorts of other useful things directly from within Transactional SQL Query. In this example I had a table containing a few columns that gave me the network drive location and filename of a few thousand files and I wanted […]

Posted in Social Media, SQL Server, Transactional SQL
The New Blog
A Quote..
"I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires."
Khalil Gibran
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