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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

Hi there! This is my old blog, I don't hang around here much.
You can now find me trying to mix things up here:
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Monthly Archives March 2012

StormGate Ltd & 2012’s Major Project

3rd Month in to 2012 and wow, how busy it has already been! New, fresh starts have come in the form of a new company (StormGate) doing new things (to find out what you will have to watch this space and follow here)….even Facebook is appreciating the developments, unrolling the red carpet on timeline’s for […]

Posted in Business, Facebook Pages, Looking Forward, Projects, Social Media, Web Technology Tagged , ,
The New Blog
A Quote..
"A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them. They then dwell in the house next door, and at any moment a flame may dart out and set fire to his own house."
Old Random Projects
    © Woody Hayday 2008-2024