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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

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Woodys posts on StormGate

Social Gallery Acquired by Epic

I’d like to announce that Social Gallery – the Ultimate Social Lightbox plugin for WordPress has been acquired by Epic (announcement here.) It’s been fantastic to build Social Gallery up as a product and a useful tool, having sold over 1500 copies and many, many add-ons it’s been very well received and helping it grow […]

Posted in Business, Looking Forward, Projects, Web Technology, Wordpress Also tagged , ,

The Flexibility of Freelance: Web Designer Magazine

I’ve written an article which is in this months Web Designer Magazine. If your a freelancer or are interested in Freelancing you can read an excerpt below or you can check it out in the magazine! Freelancing is hitting new heights. More people than ever are leaving traditional employment in search of self-directed consulting. Whether […]

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Free “Lite” Version of Social Gallery released!

Just a quick post to say that yesterday evening I released the free version of Social Gallery. As Social Gallery has been so popular (now over 700 copies sold on CodeCanyon) it seemed only fair to share some of the awesome out to the family (and to the non-profit’s and such that asked me […]

Posted in Projects, Software, Web Development, Web Technology, Wordpress Also tagged , , , ,

2012 Annual Review: Looking Back

2012 was the first properly organised year of my life, and in this spirit I found my self seeking closure throughout December, a sub-concious bubbling feeling which lead me to write the first ever self-review of a year. I’m surprised I didn’t formalise this sooner, but better late than never! Owing to the fact that I just wanted to […]

Posted in Life, Looking Back, Projects, Social Media, Software, Technology, Travel, Web Development, Web Technology, Wordpress, Writing Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

StormGate Branding by MRK Designs – Branding for Start-ups

Just some branding eye candy for you, click the image to see the full selection on behance:

Posted in Business Also tagged , , ,

Finding Your Perfect Festival –

Its official, we have opened up, so go check it out, now, what are you waiting for? Click Here! ChooseFest is all about festivals, music festivals. In short it takes your music tastes (from facebook, scrobble history, a list you type) goes through all of the line-ups (kept up to date daily!) and […]

Posted in Business, Facebook Graph API, Looking Forward, Projects, Web Technology Also tagged , ,

StormGate Ltd & 2012’s Major Project

3rd Month in to 2012 and wow, how busy it has already been! New, fresh starts have come in the form of a new company (StormGate) doing new things (to find out what you will have to watch this space and follow here)….even Facebook is appreciating the developments, unrolling the red carpet on timeline’s for […]

Posted in Business, Facebook Pages, Looking Forward, Projects, Social Media, Web Technology Also tagged ,
The New Blog
A Quote..
"The way I am and the way I write are a unity. All my ideas and all my endeavours are myself. Thus, the autobiography is merely the dot on the i."
Old Random Projects
    © Woody Hayday 2008-2024