A short while ago I read a press release about a software capable of producing 3d models of moving characters from a piece of video, I was certain the link was on reddit but I cannot find it. Anyhow it got me thinking about the uses for this, should it progress to a viable standard […]

Fresh Ideas
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Some idea’s for Listening to music
Over the years I have used a whole bunch of Music Libraries, streaming programs, download tools, websites and formats for maintaining a way of listening to music I liked and as good as they have all been, not a single one has been perfect. I am currently with Spotify, which is the current best (or I […]
Full HD Visualisations & Spotify Visualizations
With technology developing so fast why is it that whenever the question of music visualisation comes up there’s not always a clear point of reference? The 1990’s it seems was the time for music visualisations. Visualisations though can add so much the the experience of music, a good VJ will hugely enhance a music gig, […]