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Fresh Ideas

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Monthly Archives December 2009

Beagle Boards and Pico Projectors

I randomly happened across this combination, that is projector’s as big as your mobile phone, coupled with the beagleboard – essentially a single level PCB (printed circuit board) that is equally as miniture but provides a full pc worth of features. Couple the two and you essentially have a computer about the capacity of a […]

Posted in Looking Forward, Technology

Full HD Visualisations & Spotify Visualizations

With technology developing so fast why is it that whenever the question of music visualisation comes up there’s not always a clear point of reference? The 1990’s it seems was the time for music visualisations. Visualisations though can add so much the the experience of music, a good VJ will hugely enhance a music gig, […]

Posted in Ideas, Looking Forward, Music, Visualisation Tagged ,

Ebay Partner Network Xmas Bonus? – EPN Look after their affiliates

Those of you that make good money out of eBay probably noticed the downtime last month. For me it had an affect on my epn earnings for around 5 days. The problem (in my case at least) seemed to be with RSS feeds called from php (curl.) But it could simply have been a server […]

Posted in Affiliate Marketing, PHP, Web Development Tagged

Auction 2 Post Recap

Its been a while since I posted my review of Auction 2 Post and I thought I would do a post with my results so far etc. Broadly speaking a2p has been a fairly successful venture, between 5-10 sites, all of which more than pay their way have brought more than 100% ROI on the […]

Posted in Affiliate Marketing, Web Development Tagged

2015 – What will technology be in 2015?

I read a fair bit of technology news and discussion online, its a kind of hobby of mine – around this I make sweeping statements about what I think things will end up like. While a fairly pointless thing to do its interesting to note what you think things will be like in the future […]

Posted in Affiliate Marketing, Ideas, Looking Back, Looking Forward, Music, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media, Technology, Web Development, Web Technology, WoodyLabs Tagged , ,
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"The purpose of life seems to be to acquaint a man with himself"
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