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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

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2013 Annual Review

2013 was a turbulent year for me, but a great one. Tons of experiments, growth and realisations. Building upon the habit started last year with my 2012 review I’ll share some highlights of my close-of-year self analysis below. My review of 2013 turned into a mammoth document again, I’d been saving up thoughts and lists and […]

Also posted in Business, Life, Looking Back, Music, Projects, Publishing, Software, Technology, Travel, Web Technology, Wordpress, Writing Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Facebook-Style Photo Viewer WordPress Plugin

It’s been a hectic few months, many successful client projects, many successfuly additions to ChooseFest and StormGate and I haven’t let myself schedule any writing time. This hiatus has been intentional and it’s non lexical productivity has been a positive necessity. Short of writing a list of festival essentials the only thing I have written […]

Also posted in PHP, Web Development, Web Technology, Wordpress Tagged , , , , ,

IP to Location Alternative: Javascript – Using JS to find Browser Country / Location not from IP

Know your audience? Got google analytics aggregating their details? Great, good for you! But doe’s that add any value in the short term? Improve THEIR browsing experience? In the long run you should use analytics to achieve better sites (although many don’t) – but for now, right here you can still add some of the […]

Also posted in Snippets, Web Development Tagged , , , , , ,

Fix/Hack to make AutoSuggest JQuery Plugin work

When I came across Drew Wilson’s flashy JQuery Autosuggest plugin I happily downloaded the code and started using it within a recent project, but as I used it more and more I kept hitting a bug – don’t know if its just the version of JQuery I was tied to using or whether everyone using […]

Also posted in Web Technology Tagged , , , ,

Maintain a CSV with Javascript – keep a hidden list

The situation: Want to build a comma separated list of int’s (or whatever) client-side, in javascript, remove/add items on the fly using JS. Well these tiny functions below are what I use, useful when you just need to get a clever form / app input done. Using the below you can add/remove items to an […]

Also posted in Snippets, Web Development Tagged , , ,

Unable to drop JQuery sortable onto empty list? Hack solution

The problem: You have a multi column (or area) JQuery UI Sortable (these are neat) which only needs to show a “drop zone” when the user has started to drag a sortable object. The JQuery documentation for this doesn’t account for the reality of the above, its all very well if you want the empty […]

Also posted in Snippets, Web Development Tagged ,

Firefox, why you mutate my css?

Quick post to remove the annoyance that is this bug from my short term memory, you would think this would work: …it does, but not in firefox. Say the background property was set to “url(someimage.png) top left no-repeat”, making the background-image property “url(someimage.png)” right? In every browser except firefox, yes, not for firefox. Firefox would […]

Also posted in Browser Compatibility, Web Development Tagged ,

Ebay Partner Network Changes RSS Urls (again)

If you are part of the wave of Ebay Partner Network (EPN) affiliates that stuck up middle-man eshops fed by their RSS feeds you may have missed this. In the 5 years or so I have been an ebay affiliate they have only done this a few times, but for the hundreds of custom scripts […]

Also posted in Affiliate Marketing, C#, Code Tagged ,
The New Blog
A Quote..
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow"
Albert Einstein
Old Random Projects
    © Woody Hayday 2008-2024