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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

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Grab Tabs – Get chromium urls in a list

Long story short there is a bunch of extensions for chrome/chromium which provide you with session management and tab control but frankly none of them do exactly what I wanted so I have fudged a solution by using session manager and writing a 5 minute extension: Grab Tabs. Somehow it seemed easier to write an […]

Also posted in Code, Web Technology

Javascript in Spreadsheets? – Google Apps Script Does that

Far from being a google promoter, I do like this. Google Apps Script opens up google spreadsheets to scripting – Just like Macro’s etc in Excel, but with Javascript. This effectively opens up a world of online data processing and analysis that would have not been easily possible within a browser before hand, especially suiting […]

Also posted in Affiliate Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Technology, Web Development, Web Technology

Developers Arsenal PHP to ASP Jump

Server Side Scripting is a wonderful term. It’s what takes the control off of the browser and solely in the hands of the developer, because ultimately the developer is the one with the coding capacity. Since I first messed about with php for my own entertainment I have always revelled in using it, perhaps it […]

Also posted in ASP.Net, C#, CSS, PHP
The New Blog
A Quote..
"There are certain things that are fundamental to human fulfillment. The essence of these needs is captured in the phrase "to live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy." The need to leave a legacy is our spiritual need to have a sense of meaning, purpose, personal congruence, and contribution"
Stephen Covey
Old Random Projects
    © Woody Hayday 2008-2024