Know your audience? Got google analytics aggregating their details? Great, good for you! But doe’s that add any value in the short term? Improve THEIR browsing experience? In the long run you should use analytics to achieve better sites (although many don’t) – but for now, right here you can still add some of the […]

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Woodys posts on timezones
IP to Location Alternative: Javascript – Using JS to find Browser Country / Location not from IP
Posted in Javascript, Snippets, Web Development Also tagged, download, explorations, javascript, location, php
Facebook time in php – Facebook uses GMT not PDT/PST?
I don’t know whether its purely related to my location when I am calling facebooks’ graph API or what, but all the talk about what timestamps facebooks API returns seems to be wrong. Perhaps they’ve changed something, perhaps they are re-adjusting them just for me. If its the latter I wonder why they are giving me GMT […]
Posted in Facebook Pages, PHP, Projects, Social Media, Web Development Also tagged facebook, facebook apps, facebook pages, facebook time
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A Quote..
"I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires."
Khalil Gibran
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