When I came across Drew Wilson’s flashy JQuery Autosuggest plugin I happily downloaded the code and started using it within a recent project, but as I used it more and more I kept hitting a bug – don’t know if its just the version of JQuery I was tied to using or whether everyone using […]
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Woodys posts on JQuery
Fix/Hack to make AutoSuggest JQuery Plugin work
Unable to drop JQuery sortable onto empty list? Hack solution
The problem: You have a multi column (or area) JQuery UI Sortable (these are neat) which only needs to show a “drop zone” when the user has started to drag a sortable object. The JQuery documentation for this doesn’t account for the reality of the above, its all very well if you want the empty […]
Firefox, why you mutate my css?
Quick post to remove the annoyance that is this bug from my short term memory, you would think this would work: …it does, but not in firefox. Say the background property was set to “url(someimage.png) top left no-repeat”, making the background-image property “url(someimage.png)” right? In every browser except firefox, yes, not for firefox. Firefox would […]