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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

Hi there! This is my old blog, I don't hang around here much.
You can now find me trying to mix things up here:
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Woodys posts on EverClients

2014 Review

As last year falls away and a new year rolls in, I’d like to share with you a glance back at 2014. This will be my last post on this blog, as it moves over to Landmarks, Happenings of Note 2014 Writing this list, I can hardly believe that all this happened in the past […]

Posted in Business, Life, Looking Back, Projects, Publishing, Software, Travel, WoodyLabs, Wordpress Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Do you track your time?

… I do. I use Toggl, but there are many other good solutions. Below is an excerpt of my latest article, written for the EverClients blog. It’s the third in a series I’m roughly calling “Hacking Freelance”, and it goes in to the detail of why we should all track our time at a computer, […]

Posted in Business, Life, Web Technology Also tagged ,

EverClients – More Work For Freelancers

This week I’m opening the doors over at EverClients, and I thought I’d post here for the freelancers which hit this blog. EverClients is a daily lead feed, you sign up, pay monthly, and then each and every working day you receive an email which has a bunch of high quality work leads in it. […]

Posted in Business, Projects, Technology, Web Technology Also tagged , , ,
The New Blog
A Quote..
"I'm only good at being young"
John Mayer
Old Random Projects
    © Woody Hayday 2008-2024