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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

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Woodys posts on fan page

Hosting facebook Apps/Applications/iFrame Pages on 1and1 (SSL)

For those who run facebook fan pages you will likely know about fan gating and the importance of adding your own content to your facebook fanpage. This used to be done with the facebook static fbml app but that’s really the old way, looking forward the best way is to make its own specific app. […]

Posted in Facebook Graph API, Facebook Pages, PHP, Social Media, Web Development, Web Technology Also tagged , , , ,

Facebook Fan Page Branding Template – Illustrator

Facebook Fan Page Branding Template – Creating a facebook fanpage branding with Adobe Illustrator As I have been dabbling with facebook fan pages I thought I would share a few of the take-away’s, in this case purely to do with the branding of your facebook page, increasingly an important outward factor in all web developments […]

Posted in Facebook Pages, Projects, Social Media, Web Development Also tagged , , ,

Facebook Like button not working or showing 0 likes

Got a facebook like button not working showing zero? Do you wan’t to add a facebook like button to your page that points to a facebook page (fanpage) rather than the page the likebutton is actually on? It is possible but you may have come across this facebook bug that I did. Scenario’s are either: […]

Posted in Facebook Pages, Snippets, Social Media, Web Development Also tagged

Facebook Graph Api – Is user a fan of page id – Using FQL and opengraph to mimic Pages.IsFan

Working with integration of Facebook Connect for authentication is mostly easy at the moment, once you have got your head around FBML etc. However as they are in between switching from the old Restful API and the new graph API there remains the odd little thing that has only a splatter of useful documentation online. […]

Posted in Facebook Graph API, Facebook Pages, PHP, Social Media, Web Development Also tagged , ,
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"A classical education teaches you to despise the wealth it prevents you from earning"
Lord Taverne
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