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Checklist Plugin for WordPress

It’s a new year and with a new year comes lots of new developments 🙂 I’ve launched my fiction page (first novel to be released in may) and I’ve written a few new plugins (as well as a software as a service for freelancers – coming soon!)

Checklist Plugin

This is a quick post about the first of the plugins. Checklist Plugin (@

Checklist Plugin is a quick and easy-to-use plugin which lets you add check lists to your WordPress posts and pages.
It’s designed to streamline the process of adding and managing styled check lists to your posts, which are a great way to enrich content, but often are a pain to manage as a blogger. It’s a snap at $17. You can get it here (on CodeCanyon)

I’ll include some examples in the post below, but if you’re a blogger and you want to easily enrich your posts with stylish check lists, get Check List Plugin 🙂

Check List Plugin @ $17 (on CodeCanyon)

Developers License (Multi-site) @ $85

Get CheckList Plugin Here

Example Checklists:

Each of the following examples has been easily added and inserted directly from the WordPress post editor screen. Checklist Plugin makes it really easy.

This is the default example checklist

  • Install Checklist Plugin
  • Look at first example checklist
  • Be Awesome!
  • Tweet to @checklistplugin
  • Like Checklist Plugin on Facebook

WordPress Install Checklist (Example)

  • Upload WordPress Zip
  • Install a security plugin (limit login attempts)
  • Install an SEO plugin (All-in-one-SEO)
  • Update WordPress settings
  • Choose a theme and tweak it
  • Start Posting!

Another Example List: Shopping

  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Bacon
  • Bread
  • Cheese
  • Tea Bags

Final thoughts on Check list Plugin

Simple, but effective – This plugin isn’t super complex and it doesn’t add loads of load to your WordPress. I’ve purposely kept it lean, but it is very useful.

Extendible –  The developers of us out there don’t want to wade through bad code or have issues tweaking CSS of badly formed html elements. Checklist Plugin has CSS sheets in SASS and is properly formed. It’s a breeze to style new themes with CSS.

Bold futures –  This simple plugin is just the start. Rather than build out a plethora of features, I’ve kept this small. We’ll see what the wonderful users of the plugin need it to do, and I’ll build it out from there.

Checklist Plugin

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