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Woody Hayday

Fresh Ideas

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Social Gallery Plugin Sells 200 Copies!

A small landmark though it might be amongst plugin sellers, it’s nice to celebrate the little wins. Social Gallery sold it’s 200th copy last night, just over 2 months after it’s initial release, and that’s just through awesome customers sharing and word of mouth!

If you have live amongst the majority of bloggers and use WordPress then go ahead and get Social Gallery, the next update is going to be BIG and contain lots of awesome new features.

[Social Gallery is a WordPress plugin which adds an engaging photo viewer to your blog, it’s the original Gallery Share Plugin]

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Woody Hayday

Comments Archive

Hi there. This is my old blog and it's archived, so you can no longer post new comments on this post (Social Gallery Plugin Sells 200 Copies!).

Read my new blog about writing software and stories at

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A Quote..
"A man who asks a foolish question is foolish for a minute, a man who doesn't ask a question will remain foolish for a life-time"
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