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5 Crucial Points for Hiring a Web Developer

Here you can read an excerpt of my latest post over on the StormGate Blog, it’s the  first in a series where I try and get to the crux of client-web developer relations and add some value for everyone who hire’s freelance developers or develop’s on the side for clients. You can read the full article here.

Disclaimer: I am a developer/director who has worked on both sides of the developer-client relationship. I write this with the sole intent of guiding those who are looking to get an early-stage web app or website prototype built. Do let me know what you think at the bottom.

Developer-client relationships go wrong. It’s a fact. Developers that weren’t up to the job, projects that get abandoned, whole web-apps get written that never get used. Hopefully you haven’t experienced this yourself; if you have I am sure that there were some deep lessons learnt from the experience.

The “Win-Win” of web development
It’s not good for either side of this relationship for it to end out of turn, aside from the “cosmic karma” of wrongdoing to others it’s not good business for either party if a software project doesn’t make the cut. To this end, producing a new website or app should be a shared goal between the client and the developer, that’s what the following 5 crucial points try to help you accomplish, a joint vision of a web based outcome.

All the points are crucial, but you can jump here:

  1. Have a clear vision
  2. Developers will
  3. Validate developers and test them
  4. Clients will
  5. The three crucial documents

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A Quote..
"I am not unfamiliar with horror, my memory is a faithful wife and my imagination, unlike myself, a diligent maid who sits quietly all day at her work and in the evening can speak so prettily for me that I just have to look at it even if.."
Søren Kierkegaard writing as Johannes de silentio
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