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Denmark, true story

“Where should we go”
*Throws dart*
“Denmark, its on”
*books København/Aarhus*

That was a few weeks ago, 10 days in Denmark later I am home again, feeling strangely idyllic. Denmark took some money, a fair handful of braincells, but I gained so much in return. A fantastic country Denmark, full of friendly cool people and good experience. I have so many stories from such little time, but all I will say is that the Danish (and other nationality :)) people are awesome, thanks for having me and I shall be back ;).

Disclaimer: These photos represent a soba percentage of the holiday.
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  1. By ODesk and outsourcing | Woody Hayday | Blog on February 17, 2011 at 7:55 pm

    […] best bit? While away exploring Denmark I was more effective than any normal 10 days, plus I had a great time. Win. Next up I am going to […]

Woody Hayday

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