Download v0.2 now (its free!)–> |
Thousands apon thousands of people vote on the quality of wallpapers in reddits such as /r/wallpaper and this program claims the rewards of these virtuous voters. You can order by Whats Hot, New, Controversial, Top in hour, Top in Day, Top in Week, Top in Month, Top in Year, Top of all time, so you could cream off the top wallpapers of the week once a week and make an epic wallpaper collection!
Runs on / Requires
Ultimate wallpaper switcher Combine this program with the Windows 7 desktop background changing options (right click desktop -> personalise -> desktop background) and you can have windows switch your desktop to a new one from any folder (e.g. the one you just made to dump wallpapers in from reddit) every X minutes, so every 10 minutes my desktop will switch between one of the AWESOME wallpapers I just downloaded in bulk. Epic. *note you can also do this using programs like display fusion or ultramon if you are on xp or vista (they are also good for multi screen support) Unofficial Reddit Wallpaper Grabber is in no way affiliated with, or any of its partners, it is a small program written for the fun of it, it comes with no warranty and a spoonful of appreciation for reddit. |
Reddit wall paper grabber preview screen – before you download wallpapers in bulk to a folder on your computer you might want to apply a bit of quality control, in reality because they are likely all very upvoted wallpapers most will be amazing, but at this stage you can select ones you want to download and see who suggested them to the reddit etc. |
Feature requests, new versions and updates If you didn’t already realise this is a first version release, it was quickly bug tested by a small group but my no means extensively, if you do find any bugs or can think of some fantastic features that it should have then comment here. Reddit Wallpaper grabber comes with no warranty and I cannot guarentee there will even be another version released, hopefully it just does what it says on the tin! Possible future features
After selectign some wallpapers on the preview wall paper screeen, and telling it where to save the desktop background files to if you click “Get Wallpapers” Reddit Wallpaper Grabber will go away and download all of the wallpapers for you into that folder, then offer the folder to you like a puppy bringing you an animal its caught. Ah. Nice. |
Download v0.2 now (its free!)–> |
Changelog: | |
16th-December-2010 | V0.2 – Small fix to account for reddit being under heavy load – will now display a message that’s user friendly. Still barely tested |
31st-July-2010 | First Release – V0.1 – barely tested |