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Excel Domain Cost Formula

Its big and its not clever, but it will tell you how much your spending per year on domains based on a column of them:

=IF(ISERROR(FIND(“www.”,BB17)),0,(IF(ISERROR(FIND(“”,BB17)),0,2.99) +
IF(ISERROR(FIND(“.com”,BB17)),0,8.99)+ IF(ISERROR(FIND(“.org”,BB17)),0,8.99)+
IF(ISERROR(FIND(“.info”,BB17)),0,2.99)+ IF(ISERROR(FIND(“.net”,BB17)),0,8.99)+
IF(ISERROR(FIND(“.me”,BB17)),0,15.99)+ IF(ISERROR(FIND(“.eu”,BB17)),0,8.99)))

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"A designer knows that he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing to add but when there is nothing to take away"
Antoine de Saint Exuprey
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