Rioja Hill are a band based on the coast in West Wales, featuring some great vocals, guitar playing and drumming – My dad is a guitarist in the band. A few weeks ago I went to their last gig of 2009 to record it on the new Kodak Zi8 as an almost test run of the camera, but in fact the camera did nearly as well as the band! I loved the Zi8s simplicity – its a FULL HD (1920×1080) camcorder that will dump strait to SD card (up to 32gb) that costs £116…I mean you don’t get many bargains in modern gadget terms but this is one of them. Anyway Rioja Hill played an excellent set which you can catch on their website ( or view my favourite songs below, or all of them on the youtube playlist of the gig
Rioja Hill – Stay for Long
Drum Code – Rioja Hill
Untouchable by Rioja-Hill
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