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Facebook and Banter_ID

Traditionally you are meant to be as descriptive as possible in your coding of parameters/variables – this is something I have often overlooked in pursuit of quicker prodecural work. Either way Facebook have shown their origins with their latest descriptor for a thread between too friends ( a wall to wall view ) with banter_id. Small subtle hat tilts towards current youth terminology no doubt helps them, even if it is only subconciously realised in a lot of cases.

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One Comment

  1. Bob the Chef
    Posted March 25, 2009 at 11:07 pm

    I think the name banter_id is a perfect choice, a short, to the point, shameless admission on the substance which overwhelmingly composes wall posts. And the fact that it’s nestled away in a URL few people read gives it the feel of honesty.

Woody Hayday

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"The spirit does not dwell in concepts, but in deeds and in facts. Words butter no parsnips; nevertheless, this futile procedure is repeated ad infinitium."
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