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Woody Hayday

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The Flexibility of Freelance: Web Designer Magazine

I’ve written an article which is in this months Web Designer Magazine. If your a freelancer or are interested in Freelancing you can read an excerpt below or you can check it out in the magazine!

Freelancing is hitting new heights. More people than ever are leaving traditional employment in search of self-directed consulting. Whether you freelance or hire this can have profound effects on the way you do business.

Freelancing can open up new markets, change prices and costs. Freelancing can develop much more talent, talent which can be easily accessed and verified through growing marketplaces.

I’ve spent time on both ends of the client-freelancer relationship. I’ve hired freelancers and I’ve freelanced, I still freelance at StormGate for a portion of my time.

Freelancing is becoming a career choice; lots of people are breaking off and setting up shop, but whether you’re a veteran consultant or you’re just starting out, if you approach freelance work with a youthful exploration you will uncover fruitful connections. Likewise as clients, freelancers can be more than just hires; they are often hard working entrepreneurs and can offer other business value.

As a freelancer you have decided to offer a boutique service. What you are producing may be boring business logic or beautiful branding; whatever it is there is a very distinct value beyond its delivery.

Your customers have come to you for an exceptional reason. They like what you’ve done before. They have chosen you over others. Winning freelance jobs has become like battling through an interview process and successful freelancers must win jobs week after week.

In a way freelancers are employees of multiple companies, but far from the traditional, 9-5 sense. The bond between freelancer and client is tenable, once established it’s often as strong as any employment contract. Freelancers can feel an affinity with a company; arguably they represent a new form of stakeholder. As freelancers and as clients we are a lot more connected than we think.

My piece ends with a call for freelancers to play their position, the word Free in Freelance is integral!

As clients self-starting freelancers are invaluable, what’s more they could become employees, partners or students.

As freelancers we can be flexible where big companies can’t, we can care more about progress than profit, we can invest in ourselves and we can freelance for happiness.

There is flexibility in freelance.

Follow me on Twitter @woodyhayday to read more stuff like this in future, I’ll also refresh this blog soon so it might move to a new home 🙂

Posted in Business, Web Technology Tagged , , , , ,

Free “Lite” Version of Social Gallery released!

Social Gallery Lite WordPress plugin - For Free!

Just a quick post to say that yesterday evening I released the free version of Social Gallery. As Social Gallery has been so popular (now over 700 copies sold on CodeCanyon) it seemed only fair to share some of the awesome out to the family (and to the non-profit’s and such that asked me for assistance.) This “Lite” free version of the premium Social Gallery gives the major functions of Social Gallery but just has all the frill chopped out – it’s still a great way to get more engagement out of your blog images and will no doubt help lots of WordPress fledgling bloggers get more likes & comments on their content. I’m glad to release this free version so as it can be used by all!

Posted in Projects, Software, Web Development, Web Technology, Wordpress Tagged , , , , ,

2012 Annual Review: Looking Back

Me after running 10k!
2012 was the first properly organised year of my life, and in this spirit I found my self seeking closure throughout December, a sub-concious bubbling feeling which lead me to write the first ever self-review of a year. I’m surprised I didn’t formalise this sooner, but better late than never!

Owing to the fact that I just wanted to get everything down and perhaps because it was my first ever, my 2012/2013 review ended up a pretty mammoth document. I’ve published bits I would like to share here, the actual review though covers as many angles of my life as I can compute 😉

If you haven’t ever done a personal annual review I urge you to give it a try – it doesn’t even matter if it’s later in the year – it’s a great way to take stock and remember your big-picture intentions.

I hope to get around to a project this year which will delve into such human “systems” in far more detail (I want to write a book on it) – but from this first year alone I can tell you there’s a lot of value in this process, give it a try!

I’m Woody Hayday and here’s my 2012 Annual Review:

2012 Annual Review

(Stolen from my very own facebook)

Posted in Life, Looking Back, Projects, Social Media, Software, Technology, Travel, Web Development, Web Technology, Wordpress, Writing Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

4 Life Lessons Learnt from Writing a Novel (before it’s even published) – My Guest Post at MYO

This is the opening paragraphs from my guest post “4 Life Lessons Learnt from Writing a Novel (before it’s even published)” over at Make Your Offer (they an innovative new approach to selling self-published works.) Click here to skip over to MYO and read the full post.

What do you picture in your mind when I say “author”? Perhaps you see a frustrated lonely soul sitting behind a laptop or a smiling “guru” sitting in a Starbucks? Truth is “authors” these days can be anyone. With the invention of the ebook, the internet and the laptop & pc before that, the world of publishing is one in flux, a transforming industry which has moved from the printing press and its limited distribution into a worldwide partly-democratised market.

Write anywhere: I wrote some of my novel up a mountain in nepal!
Posted in Life, Publishing, Technology, Writing Tagged , , , , , , ,

Social Gallery Plugin Sells 200 Copies!

A small landmark though it might be amongst plugin sellers, it’s nice to celebrate the little wins. Social Gallery sold it’s 200th copy last night, just over 2 months after it’s initial release, and that’s just through awesome customers sharing and word of mouth!

If you have live amongst the majority of bloggers and use WordPress then go ahead and get Social Gallery, the next update is going to be BIG and contain lots of awesome new features.

Posted in Projects, Web Development, Wordpress Tagged , , , ,

Hotmail and Character Sets: Make Sure Your Emails Get There

It’s been a hectic few months – the web development consultancy is going well with several new web app prototypes/platforms released in the last few months, a new plugin (Social Gallery for WordPress) is being well received (and even imitated already!) and amongst all that ChooseFest has had some interesting developments. Also I am now a year older. Anyway enough with the stereotypical excuses for lack of blogging, here’s a snippet-size-little blog post with a little should-of-been-obvious fix for sending emails out of php in interesting character sets e.g. Japanese, sometimes its the most ridiculously simple stuff that catches you out!

Traditional and SMTP emails out of php’s main mail() function will often be ignored, it seems, by Hotmail (and sometimes yahoo) if the email contains character without specific mention of the correct character set. It’s irritating as every other carrier seems to just deal with it but Hotmail (and sometimes yahoo) just act like no email ever existed, there’s no bounce-back, no spam folder message – just nothing.

Posted in PHP, Snippets Tagged , , , , ,

StormGate Branding by MRK Designs – Branding for Start-ups

Just some branding eye candy for you, click the image to see the full selection on behance:
Posted in Business Tagged , , , ,

5 Crucial Points for Hiring a Web Developer

Here you can read an excerpt of my latest post over on the StormGate Blog, it’s the  first in a series where I try and get to the crux of client-web developer relations and add some value for everyone who hire’s freelance developers or develop’s on the side for clients. You can read the full article here.

Disclaimer: I am a developer/director who has worked on both sides of the developer-client relationship. I write this with the sole intent of guiding those who are looking to get an early-stage web app or website prototype built. Do let me know what you think at the bottom.

Developer-client relationships go wrong. It’s a fact. Developers that weren’t up to the job, projects that get abandoned, whole web-apps get written that never get used. Hopefully you haven’t experienced this yourself; if you have I am sure that there were some deep lessons learnt from the experience.

The “Win-Win” of web development
It’s not good for either side of this relationship for it to end out of turn, aside from the “cosmic karma” of wrongdoing to others it’s not good business for either party if a software project doesn’t make the cut. To this end, producing a new website or app should be a shared goal between the client and the developer, that’s what the following 5 crucial points try to help you accomplish, a joint vision of a web based outcome.

All the points are crucial, but you can jump here:

  1. Have a clear vision
  2. Developers will
  3. Validate developers and test them
  4. Clients will
  5. The three crucial documents
Posted in Business, Projects, Technology, Web Development
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John Mayer
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