2012 was the first properly organised year of my life, and in this spirit I found my self seeking closure throughout December, a sub-concious bubbling feeling which lead me to write the first ever self-review of a year. I’m surprised I didn’t formalise this sooner, but better late than never! Owing to the fact that I just wanted to […]
Fresh Ideas
Hi there! This is my old blog, I don't hang around here much.
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Web Technology
2012 Annual Review: Looking Back
Facebook-Style Photo Viewer WordPress Plugin
It’s been a hectic few months, many successful client projects, many successfuly additions to ChooseFest and StormGate and I haven’t let myself schedule any writing time. This hiatus has been intentional and it’s non lexical productivity has been a positive necessity. Short of writing a list of festival essentials the only thing I have written […]
Finding Your Perfect Festival – ChooseFest.com
Its official, we have opened up ChooseFest.com, so go check it out, now, what are you waiting for? Click Here! ChooseFest is all about festivals, music festivals. In short it takes your music tastes (from facebook, last.fm scrobble history, a list you type) goes through all of the line-ups (kept up to date daily!) and […]
StormGate Ltd & 2012’s Major Project
3rd Month in to 2012 and wow, how busy it has already been! New, fresh starts have come in the form of a new company (StormGate) doing new things (to find out what you will have to watch this space and follow here)….even Facebook is appreciating the developments, unrolling the red carpet on timeline’s for […]
1and1 Web Hosting & Git – Installing it for singular dev
I have a new project in the works and I thought it about time to get a verioning setup working beyond locally, I don’t want to use a PaaS (like Cloud control) though for this one as its Top Secret (for now.) Yeah Yeah I know, shared web hosting, 1and1 – not so secret eh? […]
Recent Projects, Top Freelancer People Per Hour
It was a busy November, but it paid off – completed a good few projects for some great clients, and whats more I won no# 1 Top Freelancer @ people per hour! You can read more about some of my recent projects here, although there’s only a few case studies up, the most public of […]
Did you know: Facebook short url’s already kinda exist
As a side note: facebook shorturls, or at least abreviated urls exist. We all know about fb.me, but fb.com works too…. Random occurance: Was saving down facebook data into a database from the graph api, wanted to save the urls in a mixed url table but didn’t want to bother saving the whole http://www.facebook.com every […]