A small landmark though it might be amongst plugin sellers, it’s nice to celebrate the little wins. Social Gallery sold it’s 200th copy last night, just over 2 months after it’s initial release, and that’s just through awesome customers sharing and word of mouth! If you have live amongst the majority of bloggers and use […]
Fresh Ideas
Hi there! This is my old blog, I don't hang around here much.
You can now find me trying to mix things up here:
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Social Gallery Plugin Sells 200 Copies!
Hotmail and Character Sets: Make Sure Your Emails Get There
It’s been a hectic few months – the web development consultancy is going well with several new web app prototypes/platforms released in the last few months, a new plugin (Social Gallery for WordPress) is being well received (and even imitated already!) and amongst all that ChooseFest has had some interesting developments. Also I am now […]
5 Crucial Points for Hiring a Web Developer
Here you can read an excerpt of my latest post over on the StormGate Blog, it’s the first in a series where I try and get to the crux of client-web developer relations and add some value for everyone who hire’s freelance developers or develop’s on the side for clients. You can read the full […]
Facebook-Style Photo Viewer WordPress Plugin
It’s been a hectic few months, many successful client projects, many successfuly additions to ChooseFest and StormGate and I haven’t let myself schedule any writing time. This hiatus has been intentional and it’s non lexical productivity has been a positive necessity. Short of writing a list of festival essentials the only thing I have written […]
Finding Your Perfect Festival – ChooseFest.com
Its official, we have opened up ChooseFest.com, so go check it out, now, what are you waiting for? Click Here! ChooseFest is all about festivals, music festivals. In short it takes your music tastes (from facebook, last.fm scrobble history, a list you type) goes through all of the line-ups (kept up to date daily!) and […]
1and1 Web Hosting & Git – Installing it for singular dev
I have a new project in the works and I thought it about time to get a verioning setup working beyond locally, I don’t want to use a PaaS (like Cloud control) though for this one as its Top Secret (for now.) Yeah Yeah I know, shared web hosting, 1and1 – not so secret eh? […]
Recent Projects, Top Freelancer People Per Hour
It was a busy November, but it paid off – completed a good few projects for some great clients, and whats more I won no# 1 Top Freelancer @ people per hour! You can read more about some of my recent projects here, although there’s only a few case studies up, the most public of […]
IP to Location Alternative: Javascript – Using JS to find Browser Country / Location not from IP
Know your audience? Got google analytics aggregating their details? Great, good for you! But doe’s that add any value in the short term? Improve THEIR browsing experience? In the long run you should use analytics to achieve better sites (although many don’t) – but for now, right here you can still add some of the […]